May has already been a month to remember. Among other things, all the children thoroughly enjoyed their special tea party on May 2 to mark the King’s Coronation.
As you will have noticed, we have had a very mixed bag of weather recently. Having said that, wind and rain is not always negative. Indeed, some of our little ones find it quite exhilarating.
Please be reminded that we operate a strict ‘no mobile phone’ policy at Highwood Nursery. We appreciate that you may need to answer or make a call. But for safeguarding reasons, please do this off the premises.
As always, if you need to contact the Nursery, you can message your child’s room directly through the Famly app.
Sarah Bower
Nursery Manager

Starting school in September?
If you have a child starting school in September, you should now have heard which school place your child has received. Please can we ask that you inform us as soon as possible so we can liaise with your child’s school and support their transition in September? All school leavers are booked in to attend Nursery up until Friday 1 September. If your child will be leaving before this date, we will require the usual one month’s notice. We also ask that this is sent via email to ensure we have a record. Please note that due to the EYE Funding period ending on 31 August, full fees will apply for any sessions children attend after this date. All our staff are doing their utmost to help prepare the children for school, so please let the Owls or management team know if you have any concerns. Alternatively, feel free to contact us if you need ideas on how to make the transition to school a little easier for both you and your child. We will do our very best to support you.
30-hours EYE Funding
The new 30 hours funding will come into place from September for eligible families. Helpful and clear information can be found at
Our photographer will visit on May 26 from 10:00am to take graduation pictures of the children leaving us to start school in September. If your child is due to attend nursery that day, and you would like them to have their photograph taken, this can be done while they are with us. Importantly, a consent form will be sent out nearer the time. If your child is not due to attend nursery that day, we will contact you soon to arrange a time slot if you wish your child to be photographed. Again, a consent form will need to be completed.
Spring sunshine
Spring usually brings us a mixture of weather, so please ensure you provide your child with appropriate clothing and footwear. It is likely they may need some warm clothes and a coat on some days. As the weather begins to improve, please send in a new, unopened bottle of sun cream and a hat, both clearly labelled with your child’s name. Please also bear in mind that sun cream DOES go out-of-date, so always check the ‘use by’ date.
Name labels
It is important to label your child’s items and clothing so we can identify and/or locate their belongings such as their bag and shoes easily. Waterproof name labels can be purchased at – and by using our school ID 4188 you can help us fundraise. These labels are also ideal for labelling drinks bottles.
King’s Coronation
The children had great fun at their Coronation Tea Party on Tuesday 2 May. Our garden was draped full of patriotic decorations, including Union Jack bunting and flags. Linda even made a throne, which we all took turn to sit on for photos. Plus, the children really enjoyed wearing homemade crowns while enjoying their picnic outside. They thought it highly amusing when the wind kept blowing them off their heads. Some of the children were slightly disappointed after learning that the King himself would not be making an appearance.
Recipe of the Month
May’s Recipe of the Month is salmon and pineapple Thai curry. Just click the link below to open the document.
Extra resources: