2 years – 3 years
We can accommodate up to 20 children between two and three years in our Squirrels room. Squirrels children have access to a range of resources and creative play opportunities both inside and out, which help stimulate and meet their exploratory needs. The staffing ratios for this group is 1:4.

We realise that children develop and learn in different ways. The Highwood Curriculum covers the education and care of all children in early years provision, including children with special educational needs and disabilities. A variety of activities will be provided through our continuous provision each day, which will encourage your child to learn and develop. These activities will be planned, purposeful play opportunities, both adult-led and child-initiated.
Play opportunities will be offered that are enjoyable and age and stage appropriate. These opportunities promote personal, social and emotional development. They also promote physical development, communication, literacy and mathematics, plus an understanding of the world and the expressive arts.
Staff will be guided by the different ways in which children learn as they participate in the following types of activity:
- Playing and exploring – children investigate and explore things.
- Active learning – children enjoy achievements and learn to persevere.
- Creating and thinking critically – children develop their own ideas and make links between ideas while developing strategies for doing things.