May Newsletter 24

The Nursery Manager writes…

Hello and a warm welcome, especially to all the new families who have joined the Highwood Nursery community over the last month. Anne has now gone on adoption leave, so we wish her all the best. Meanwhile, the photographer will visit us on 28 May to take graduation photos of children leaving for school in September. Having said that, any child may be photographed at a parent’s request. Just ask Louise if you require more information. Also, if your child uses nappies, please be reminded to ensure we have a plentiful supply of nappies, wipes and cream. Finally, please let us know as soon as possible about any last minute family holidays you may have booked.

Sarah Bower
Nursery Manager

Photographer visit for Graduation photographs

Tues 28 May – details to follow

Bank Holidays – nursery closed

27 May – Spring Bank Holiday
26 August – Summer Bank Holiday

Staff training days – nursery closed

Friday 23 August
Friday 3 January 2025

Christmas closure 2024

We will close at 12:00 noon on Friday 20 December 2024 and re-open to children on Monday 6 January 2025.

Online parental controls

Did you know? You can find important information and tips about online safety for children through the online awareness group – just click here


The new funding term starts in September. Importantly, the government is extending funding to cover children from working families aged over 9 months. We will send out more information during the summer. Meanwhile, you can see what may be available to you by clicking here

Owls’ transition to school

Owls staff are doing their utmost to prepare children for school. Therefore, please let the Owls team know if you have any concerns. Similarly, please contact them if you have any ideas about making the transition to school easier. Staff will do their best to provide support in any way they can.

Recent activities

Owls children enjoyed hearing about Jack and the Beanstalk, before planting their own.

Squirrels children celebrated Earth Day.

Owls children also enjoyed planting sunflower seeds.


Recipe of the month

May’s Recipe of the Month corn mac n cheese. Just click the link below to open the document.