With the summer sun becoming more intense, please be reminded that we need you to provide a sun hat and a new, unopened bottle of sun cream.
A cardigan or small jumper is also advisable, because it can still be chilly on cloudy days and in the afternoon when the shade has come over.
Please remember to label your child’s belongings. Labels can be purchased at mynametags.com using our School ID ‘4188’, which if submitted will help towards our fundraising.
Over the summer we will be upgrading our outdoor area. If you would like to donate plants, flowers, piping for a water wall, or any other resources, we would be very grateful.
If you need to contact the Nursery, you can message your child’s room directly through the Famly app.
Sarah Bower
Nursery Manager

A new playgroup for babies, toddlers and pre-schoolers has opened in Brockenhurst. Busy Badgers Playgroup runs from 9:45am to 11.15am every Friday during term time at St Saviour’s Church Hall on Wilverley Road. Organisers say visitors can expect teas, toys and friendly conversation. Entry costs £2.00 a family – refreshments included. For more information, simply email brockbusybadgers@gmail.com
School transition
You may start to receive your child’s school settling letters over the coming weeks. Please let us know if there are any days your child will NOT be at nursery. We currently have children booked in to attend up until Friday 1 September. EYE funding finishes on 31 August, so any sessions attended from 1 September will be at full charge. Please remember to let us know as soon as possible if you plan on your child leaving before this date. Importantly, at least one month’s notice is required. Please let the team know if you have any concerns or ideas on how we might make the transition to school easier for you and your child.
Two-year funding
If your child’s second birthday falls between 1 April 2023 and 31 August 2023, please check to see if you are eligible for two-year funding from September 2023. To be eligible you will need to be in receipt of welfare benefits and have a child in care or with additional needs. If you think you may be eligible, please apply through childcarechoices.gov.uk and let us know. We will be happy to support you in making an application if needed.
EYE Funding for three-year-olds
The new allotment of 30-hour funding will come into place from September 2023. If your child’s third birthday is between 1 April 2023 and 31 August 2023, please apply through childcarechoices.gov.uk and let us know. Please make sure you have applied for your code and have passed this on to our office as soon as possible. All codes need to be verified by us before the end of August. If we do not have the code, or you apply for the code after 31 August, we will not be able to process your claim. Once we have all your details we will be able to complete your funding form and will ask you to confirm that the details are correct and sign the form. We will then claim the funding and deduct this sum from your fees. Please be aware that fifteen hours of funding is available to ALL three-year-olds. Therefore, if you are not eligible for 30 hours of funding, please let us know so that we can claim your 15 hours. We will not require a code for this, but we will need to you confirm your details and have you sign the form.
Recipe of the Month
June’s Recipe of the Month is baked beans and mini-jackets. Just click the link below to open the document.
Bunnies have been learning about the beach. They have been talking about the animals that might live there and singing Down in the Ocean and 1,2,3,4,5.
Squirrels and Owls have been planting sunflower seeds. Each child will water and check their sunflower every day to watch its progress. This will encourage the children to learn about the environment and know how to care for living things.
Extra resources: