The Nursery Manager writes…
August is always full of mixed emotions as we say goodbye to children leaving us to go to school in September. Some have been with us for a number of years and others not so long. Either way, it has been an absolute delight working with each and every child. We wish them all the best with next stage of their education.
Sarah Bower
Nursery Manager

School Summer Holidays
Friday 21 July –
Friday 1 September
Nursery open as normal
Staff training day
Friday 25 August
Nursery closed
August Bank Holiday
Monday 28 August
Nursery Closed
Autumn half-term holiday
Monday 23 October – Friday 27 October
Nursery open as normal
Christmas Closure
The Nursery will close on Wednesday 20 December for the Christmas break. We will reopen to children on Wednesday 3 January 2024.
Graduation ceremony
Last month we held a graduation ceremony to say goodbye to all our pre-schoolers who are about to start the next exciting chapter in their young lives by starting school in September. We hope they enjoyed a memorable afternoon and also enjoyed dressing up and receiving their goodies.

Staff updates
Dani will be leaving us as a permanent member of staff at the end of August to study Law at university. She has been at Highwood from an apprentice to a fully qualified Level 3 practitioner. She will continue at Highwood as a casual member of staff and help out in the holidays. In September we will be welcoming a new apprentice, called Lucy. She will be working in the Squirrels room while studying towards her Level 2 Early Years qualification.
If your child is leaving for school and has medication at the Nursery, such as Epi-pens, Calpol and inhalers, please remember to collect this on your child’s last day. Medication is stored in the office, except for Epi-Pens, which are stored in the child’s room.
EYE forms for two and three-year-olds
If your child is eligible for funding from next term – 1 September – please ensure you sign your funding form swiftly to ensure we can process your claim in time. If you are already in receipt of funding, you must ensure you reconfirm your eligibility to HMRC when requested. This reconfirmation is usually required every three months. Importantly, it will ensure you can continue to receive your funded hours.
Children in each room have been enjoying a lot of stimulating activities over the last month. Look now as we give you a room-by-room update…
The dolls are very popular with the Bunnies at the moment, so staff have changed one of the role play areas to provide even more enjoyment. The children have helped to choose the items to go in there and have given the ‘babies’ a bath some mornings to get them ready.

The two-year-olds have been creating artwork that represents their favourite nursery rhymes. They have particularly enjoyed painting buses, because The Wheels on the Bus is a major favourite. The children used toy car wheels to create patterns on the buses, along with circles for the wheels and rectangles for the windows.

The pre-school children have been learning about endangered animals, both by looking at pictures and by painting their own depictions. They have also enjoyed exploring our animal Tuff Tray and making enclosures to keep the animals safe.

Recipe of the month
August’s Recipe of the Month coco mango chicken curry. Just click the link below to open the document.