The Nursery Manager writes…
Hello. And, in particular, let me extend warm welcome to all the new families who have joined us over the last month. As you can imagine, it can be challenging for our staff to keep track of each child’s personal items. Please be reminded that all your child’s belongings should be labelled clearly. Waterproof name labels can be purchased at using our school ID: 4188. By entering this code, you will be helping us fundraise too.
Sarah Bower
Nursery Manager

Photographer visit for Graduation photographs
Tues 28 May – details to follow
Bank Holidays – nursery closed
6 May – May Day Bank Holiday
27 May – Spring Bank Holiday
26 August – Summer Bank Holiday
Staff training days – nursery closed
Friday 23 August
Christmas closure 2024
We will close at 12:00 noon on Friday 20 December 2024 and re-open to children on Monday 6 January 2025.
Summer Sun
As we approach the warmer months, it is mandatory that you equip your child with certain sun protection items when they attend nursery.
Please provide your child with:
- A wide-brimmed hat or a baseball cap, with a back flap that will protect your child’s face, neck and ears.
- Protective clothing such as light-weight, long-sleeved shirts and trousers
- A broad-spectrum, water-resistant sunscreen, with a high factor SPF.
Please let us know as soon as reasonably possible if your child will not be attending nursery. This will help us staff accordingly. You can mark them sick/absent on Famly, or alternatively you can send us a message. We have to record reasons for absences, so we may need to phone you mid-morning/afternoon if we have not already heard details from you. We will also check to see if everything is OK generally and ask whether we need to save a lunch and/or tea.
September school starters
If your child is starting school in September, please note that they are booked to attend nursery up until Friday 30 August. If you would like them to finish earlier than this, please remember to let us know, giving at least one month’s notice. If your child attends term-time-only, the last day of term will be Tuesday 23 July.
Funding codes
If you are claiming the extended funded hours for your three or four year-old, or the new working families funded hours for your two-year-old, please remember that the eligibility codes must be renewed every three months.
Hampshire libraries information
Please find details of two new groups starting in Hampshire libraries in April:
New Parents Meet and Connect
These new sessions are perfect for new babies and first-time parents/carers in the early days. You will be supported to explore a range of sensory equipment with your baby and have a chance to connect with other new and first-time parents. These sessions are free and there is no need to book. However, places are limited. To find your closest session, please click here
First Words Together
Babies communicate by pointing, vocalising, gesturing and presenting objects. Sharing books and interacting through books supports early communication and language development. If you would like support to build your confidence in supporting your baby’s communication, please contact ChatHealth to request a place on the new First Words Together courses for parents and carers. Simply click here
In addition, libraries in Hampshire offer other support and social activities for new parents and babies during their first twelve months and beyond. Use the links below to find services that might suit you…
Recipe of the month
April’s Recipe of the Month chicken and parsnip one pot. Just click the link below to open the document.

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Extra resources