The Nursery Manager writes…
We are now on the cusp of welcoming that magical time of year when a lot of our youngsters can appreciate Christmas for the first time. As we enter advent, there will be lots of seasonal sights, sounds, smells and tastes for them to enjoy. Christmas provides a unique learning opportunity, and everyone here at Highwood is excited to be sharing the joy with all the children. Whether it is your child’s first ever Christmas, their first acknowledged Christmas, or a Christmas that builds on their awareness from 12 months ago, all our staff are all determined to make it fun.
Best wishes,
Sarah Bower

Christmas Closure
We will re-open to children on Wednesday 3 January 2024
Year R admissions application deadline
Monday 15 January 2024
Friday 23 August 2024
Staff training days – closed
Tuesday 2 January 2024
Friday 23 August 2024
Spring half-term
Monday 12 February – Friday 16 February 2024
Nursery open as usual to children attending all year round
Year R School Admissions
If your child was born between 1 September 2019 and 31 August 2020, they will be eligible to start school in the academic year beginning September 2024. Applications can be submitted now. The closing date for applications is 15 January 2024. You can find guidance and make an application online by clicking here
Christmas party
We will be holding a Christmas party for all the children on Thursday 14 December inside their rooms. Please keep an eye out for an invitation from the rooms, which will contain all the details. Importantly, all children will be welcome and Father Christmas will be visiting too.
Three-year-old funding
If your child turned or is turning three between 1 September 2023 and 31 December 2023, they will be entitled to receive three-year-old funding from 1 January 2024. You should have received a form from us related to this already. Please ensure you complete and return your form to us by 30 November. Please speak to Kirsten or Sarah if you need any assistance.
Two-year-old funding
If your child turned or is turning two between 1 September 2023 and 31 December 2023, they may be entitled to receive two-year-old funding from 1 January 2024. Please let us know if you are eligible so we can provide you with a funding form to complete. Importantly, we need to know by 8 December so we can process your application.
We realise that your circumstances may change from day to day, sometimes at short notice. As a result, you may decide not to bring your child to nursery. If this is the case, please let us know as soon as possible. You can notify us through Famly, by phone (01590 625332) or by emailing Please leave a message on the answerphone if necessary. If your child is due in and you have not contacted us about their absence, please do not be alarmed if we phone you. We just need to know that your child is safe and ask if you need a lunch to be reserved
Recipe of the month
November’s Recipe of the Month Cheesy Leek Pasta Bake. Just click the link below to open the document.

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What’s on locally this Christmas?